Emma was gisteren aanwezig bij de ‘Manus x Machina: Fashion In An Age Of Technology’ Costume Institute Gala in NYC, Amerika. In de volksmond wordt dit events ook wel het MET gala genoemd. Tijdens het event droeg ze een special ontworpen jurk voor haar, ontworpen door designer Calvin Klein van recycled plastic.

Galerij Links:
http//: 02 mei: ‘Manus x Machina: Fashion In An Age Of Technology’ Costume Institute Gala
Emma was eind vorige maand aanwezig op de 102nd White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner in Washington D.C. in Amerika.

Galerij Links:
http//: 30 april: Yahoo News/ABC News White House Correspondents’ Dinner Pre-Party
http//: 30 april: 102nd White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner
http//: 30 april: 102nd White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner – After Party

Het tweede boek dat Emma gaat lezen voor haar boekclub ‘Our Shared Shelf’ is bekend. Dit zal het boek ‘The Argonauts’ van schrijfster Maggie Nelson zijn. Dit boek is niet vertaald naar het Nederlands, maar wel te koop bij bol.com.
Dear OSS,
I’ve been searching high and low for our next book. The club has been much more international than I had anticipated – and much bigger. I’m really proud of my club members – discussion-wise – you are all hitting it out of the park. I’m having to find books that are accessible, cover multiple perspectives and languages, that are unique and not too well known already… So without further ado…
Our next book is going to be The Argonauts, by Maggie Nelson. The story is about the author’s relationship with artist Harry Dodge, who is fluidly gendered. It’s about their romance, the birth of their son, the death of Harry’s mother and their changing bodies, as Maggie becomes pregnant and Harry undergoes surgery, but it’s also about inclusion and the powers and shortfalls of language. It might require a bit of work but The Argonauts rewards us with an expansive way of considering identity, caretaking, and freedom—along with a liberation from, what Maggie calls, “the demand that anyone live a life that’s all one thing.” I am excited to read this book with you. Maybe it will change the way we think and speak about others and ourselves?
Hope I did you proud,
Em Wats X

Het vierde boek dat Emma gaat lezen voor haar boekclub ‘Our Shared Shelf’ is bekend. Dit zal het boek ‘ How To Be a Woman’ van schrijfster Caitlin Moran zijn. Dit boek is wel vertaald naar het Nederlands onder de naam ‘Vrouw zijn, hoe doe je dat’ en o.a. te koop bij bol.com.
Dear OSS,
This month I am choosing a book which I confess I have already read. It is so brilliant though. It deserves to be read more than once.
Maybe you read Caitlin’s article in my Esquire guest edit this month (“12 Things About Being A Woman That Women Won’t Tell You”)… Maybe you’ve seen some of the hype about her new book Moranifesto… Either way, she is an English hero of mine who I think you need to know. On a side note, this book also appears to have been translated into lots of languages and should be reasonably easy to get hold of.
You’ve probably guessed it by now, April’s book (for a little light relief) is ‘How to Be a Woman.’ I read it on a plane from London to New York and I laughed out loud and cried so much I think the whole of my cabin, airline staff included, thought I was losing my mind. (For speedy readers out there, I am also going to read Moranifesto).
Emma xxhttp://www.esquire.co.uk/culture/advi…
Op de Duitse facebookpagina van Emma’s film ‘Colonia Dignidad’ is een press junket verschenen voor de film.
Seht hier das große Interview zu COLONIA DIGNIDAD!Emma Watson … über die Faszination an diesem Projekt… über ihre erste Vollzeit Filmrolle… über ihre Kenntnisse der Colonia vor dem Film… über Regisseur Florian Gallenberger… über Daniel Brühl… über ihre Rolle… über wie sie zu der Rolle gekommen ist… über ihre Arbeit an verschiedenen Projekten
Publicado por Colonia Dignidad em Terça-feira, 1 de Março de 2016
Emma heeft Lin-Manuel Miranda geinterviewd namens HeForShe Arts Week.
Watch my interview with the wonderful Lin-Manuel Miranda, creater, writer and star of Hamilton the Musical, for UN Women HeForShe Arts Week here! xPart one…
Publicado por Emma Watson em Quinta-feira, 17 de Março de 2016
Emma heeft een videointerview gehad met hitrecord.org. Klik hier om het interview te bekijken.